Why are some Bonuses Restricted to Certain Online Casino Games

Bonuses play a major role in drawing avid gamblers to specific casinos. Bonus funds provide a bit of “free play” to those gamblers who want to increase their wagers, but are not entirely thrilled about putting too much money at risk. Casinos step in and solve this dilemma. Bonus money is given in the form of matching funds so the gambler can wager with the “gift” the casino has offered. Some rules have to be adhered to and the rules are usually reasonable. Still, some might ask sincere questions about why certain bonuses are limited to certain games.

To call the rules restrictions or limitations is a bit unfair. Such words seem to infer the casino is trying to hamper the success of any would-be gamblers. That is not the case at all. Rather, the restrictions that limit bonus funds to certain games are rooted in good gaming business sense.

A Basic Formula

The simplest explanation is found in a combination of competition, good customer service and intelligent marketing. Casinos employ game-specific bonuses as a means of targeting certain gamblers with the hope of keeping them happy. The bonuses also serve as a way of extended promotional bonuses beyond merely “sign up” and “general reload” deals. If the same old, same old bonuses were promoted time and time again, they would lose a lot of their appeal.

Attracting New Customers

As a result, they would not be as impacting on potential customers. In short, these generic bonuses would have a hard time drawing in new customers. Unless the casinos where able to draw in new customers and keep repeat ones happy, the casino would end up losing market share. That is not exactly a way a casino is going to remain in business when the landscape is so competitive.

To put things into perspective, certain games are known for being extremely popular with a large segment of people who love gambling. Blackjack, poker, and slot games of all varieties have a huge number of fans. Providing special bonuses to these players definitely helps a casino maintain a level of popularity in the gaming market. If the bonus is quite generous, players may be interested in gravitating away from one casino and to a new one that is presenting great bonus deals.

Trying to draw in new customers is not the only reason why the casino would be interested in providing “game restricted” bonuses. The regular players who consistently try their luck at the virtual gaming table are targeted with these generous bonuses as well.

Rewarding Loyalty

By offering bonuses unique to specific games, those people who play the games regularly feel the casino is rewarding them for their loyalty. Nothing feels better than being appreciated and those players who are acknowledged by the casino are going to be more willing to remain repeat customers.

They also are going to be thrilled with the possibility of winning more money and that is always going to be met with positive sentiments. The casino could very well experience a positive buzz on social media, forums, blogs, and review sites as a result. Needless to say, this type of free advertising is going to be appreciated by those running the casino.

Targeting Players of Other Games

There is another audience who might feel interested in taking advantage of the game-specific bonus deals. These people would be those who patronize the casino, but are known for playing other games. They might be very interested in wagering on slots and blackjack might not be very appealing to them. Sometimes, they need something extra to try a new game. The availability of free bonus money just might help nudge them closer to making a decision to try a different game. Since they are getting free bonus money to play, the deal just be too sweet for them to pass up. If these customers like the new game they try out, then they are going to be even happier to remain patrons of their favorite online casino.

The Role of Publicity

Publicity can play a role in the restriction of bonuses. Certain news sites like to cover one particular game. When a casino is delivering bonuses exclusive tot hat game, then these sites are going to cover the news. Once again, casinos do want to take advantage of publicity and target niches in order to be successful.

The average person might not be aware of how casinos plan out the rules for bonus money. Once you look at the overall big picture, things become a little clearer and make more sense.